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Work Readiness Training Programs for Men, Women and Youth

  • Americans Thrive Work Readiness Training Programs prepare participants to secure, retain, and succeed in a new job.

  • Americans Thrive partners and affiliates address important topics such as effective communication, problem solving, resume building, interviewing, and job search skills. 

  • Our signature Work Readiness Training Programs also help underemployed and transitional workers develop effective work habits that facilitate their ongoing career success. 

  • Our Youth Enrichment Program provides training skills and leadership development for Americas youth following our 5 core qualities of life principles to prepare youth ages 15-25 for their future success and build a stronger American workforce. 

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Workforce Development

Reentry Training

  • Educational and community-based programs play a key role in Americans Thrive vision and mission.

  •  The Americans Thrive team administers programs in vocational training, job readiness, healthcare, education, reentry and youth development. Americans Thrive plans to continue the expansion of its workforce development with the deployment of a Workforce Development and Reentry Training Program in 2020.

  • Americans Thrive programs are tailored to provide technical assistance, performance management, and support to its network of affiliates and program partners to address the full range of challenges faced by justice-involved individuals transitioning back to the community.

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  • To cultivate a community of excellence in serving Americas underemployed, military veterans, returning citizens and youth to sustain a stronger workforce for the 21st century and beyond. 

  • To build individual capacity of the offender to be a productive member of his/her family and community

  • To link offenders to program services necessary for successful transition and reentry into the community

  • To increase the community and correctional capacity to address the offender’s needs and identify community resources to match assessed needs

  • To enhance public safety by reducing recidivism among the formerly incarcerated population

  • To promote public safety through collaborative state agency and community partnerships that support offender transition to the community

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